Cooper is a totally wild child. My mother-in-law Cheryl tells me that Blake was just like Cooper when he was little. She said she did cartwheels when she dropped Blake off for kindergarten the first day and was worried that she would get a call from school that he was too unruly to stay. Blake grabbed his teacher on the behind and said “wonka wonka”, but that was the worst of it. Blake excelled in school and actually ended up salutatorian. (Not being named valedictorian is another story for another time…) So, if I use Blake’s behavior as a model, I have three years before Cooper goes to school and stops being wild. Sounds like a good theory to me. Last night, Coop grabbed my camera and threw it across the room and broke it. Then he laughed. He also colored on the wall (in blue). But when he went to bed, he told his dad that he needed a little help getting to sleep, he needed his mommy, and so I went in and lay down with him until he dozed off.
Evan’s the princess in our lives. Gets her way every single time. She either screams, and I mean SCREAMS, until she gets her way, or smiles until you can’t help but hug her and pick her up. She wants anything that Cooper has or is playing with, so there are times when he goes all WWF on her and Blake and I have to regulate. But, she totally loves her big bro even after he tries to put the smackdown on her, and she wants to be everywhere he is. Right now, she’s trying to master drinking from a sippy cup. She gets so mad at that thing! She’s very, very, very close to taking her first steps. I am not sure that I am ready for her to walk, but I am looking forward to those first few weeks when she’ll walk around with her arms raised, trying to learn to balance. Too cute! She’s the most beautiful baby – Blake had better get his shotgun clean so he can scare away all the boys when they inevitably come calling!
Evan’s the princess in our lives. Gets her way every single time. She either screams, and I mean SCREAMS, until she gets her way, or smiles until you can’t help but hug her and pick her up. She wants anything that Cooper has or is playing with, so there are times when he goes all WWF on her and Blake and I have to regulate. But, she totally loves her big bro even after he tries to put the smackdown on her, and she wants to be everywhere he is. Right now, she’s trying to master drinking from a sippy cup. She gets so mad at that thing! She’s very, very, very close to taking her first steps. I am not sure that I am ready for her to walk, but I am looking forward to those first few weeks when she’ll walk around with her arms raised, trying to learn to balance. Too cute! She’s the most beautiful baby – Blake had better get his shotgun clean so he can scare away all the boys when they inevitably come calling!
Right now, both kids are crying - Evan because Cooper hit her, and Cooper because he is in timeout for hitting her. Good times.
We're off to do baths and get all spiffy - they have pictures tomorrow. Watch http://www.lookatmepics.blogspot.com/ for some previews of the pics sometime next week. Here's to hoping Cooper will let us take his picture.