I had some goals for my first week of vacation. I took the kids to the sitter this past week, but I'm keeping them all of next week. While I was on my own, I wanted to take a two hour nap. Check. I wanted to organize pictures. Check. I wanted to order prints and get them put in to C and E's photo albums. Half check - they're ordered but not in yet. I wanted to do some shopping. Check. Check. I went twice. :) I wanted to explore my crafty side. Sorta check...
I bought a new sewing machine. Blake about had a cow, like he always does anytime I spend money. To give you a point of reference, we're not talking major money here. It cost $85, and he still had a cow. Well, technically, he doesn't have cows. Because he hates to spend money, he gives me his infamous WTH look and rolls his eyes. Whatever.
I'm going to sew some simple dresses for Evan. I'm going to go to my parent's house next week, and my mom is going to give me a refresher course on sewing. It has been 15 or more years since I last sewed, so I think I'll need it.
My mom went with me to get the fabric, and I think I could become obsessive about this. Now, not only am I going to make Evan three dresses, I'm also going to make her a ruffled bottom diaper cover and a bag for myself.
Really, I blame the internet. Here's how I got to this point: I saw a cute handmade dress for Evan but it was $68. Blake would have freaked (see sewing machine comment above), so I decided I could make the dress. I went online and found the pattern on Etsy and a similar fabric by Amy Butler. Then I decided I needed the new sewing machine. Then I fumbled around Etsy some more and found the ruffled bottom bloomers pattern. Then I stumbled around Amy Butler's website and got totally wrapped up in her bag patterns. And now here I am, feeling very crafty.
Also, while cruising around the internet, I saw some professional pictures of little girls in their bloomers and dresses and thought, "I can do that too". So I went out an bought a little chair for a prop and I painted another one that belongs to my inlaws. Viola!
I took these pis of Evan today in a pair of embroidered bloomers that were a baby gift. She finally grew in to them. I used Elements to edit them a bit and give them distinct looks, but I am satisfied with the end result. And if you have any doubts about my craftiness, check out Evan's super cute flower hair thingy - I made that.

My priority for my crafting items is first to get Evan's dresses done, then to do her ruffled diaper cover, then my bag. I'll post pics of all this stuff when I get it done.
Add the total $ for the fabric, patterns, machine, sewing notions, chair and spray paint and it seems as though my "whatever you can do I can do better" attitude is starting to be kinda costly. Maybe Blake was right to freak out about the $85 sewing machine. Maybe I should have just spent the $68 on the dress. Nah. Where's the fun in that?