Sunday, December 5, 2010

Holiday Card 2010

Joy Peace Love Holiday
Christmas cards and holiday thank you cards by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rick Marshall

We let Cooper watch Land of the Lost all the time. I know, it isn't appropriate for a four year old, but he loves it. Who are we to stand in the way of a four year old's favorite movie?

This version of Land of the Lost stars Will Ferrell as Dr. Rick Marshall. Another Will Ferrell movie was on the other night and Blake was watching it. Both Evan and Cooper watched it too - Old School. Another completely inappropriate movie for kids, but whatever.

Anyway, as Old School was playing, Cooper turned to his dad and asked, "What is Rick Marshall doing in this movie?"

Blake had to explain that there is no Rick Marshall. That Rick Marshall is actually Will Ferrell. That Will Ferrell is an actor. That Land of the Lost isn't a real place.

Next thing you know, Cooper's going to wonder if Santa Claus is real.