Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ode to Oxy Clean

If you have kids, you know about Oxy Clean. If you don't have kids, but perhaps have a dirty old man, you know about Oxy Clean. Generally speaking, if you do laundry, you know about Oxy Clean. But on the off chance you haven't heard of it, here is my ode to this wonderful product.

I am not a salesperson, but I would go on TV with my fat ass and everything and talk about how great Oxy Clean is. It takes out grass stain, blood, and mystery goo from Coop's and Evan's clothes. About the only thing it hasn't been effective on so far is paint, but it did make it less noticeable.

I go through a 64 ounce refill bottle for stain pre-treating every couple of weeks, and I use a scoop of the powder in every load. Love love love the stuff.

Not sure why I spend so much time trying to get stains out of my kids clothes - most of their clothes come from Target. But, by golly, I want them to have a neat appearance! Even if they are just going to the babysitter!

OMG. Has my life really come to this? Have I really just spent the last five minutes writing about a laundry product? Again I say, OMG.


  1. Don't worry - sometime in the future I will write an Ode to my Dyson DC14 Animal Hair Vacuum. I love it. LOVE IT! Too bad it doesn't cuddle.

    PS - I see google adsense has decided to be your friend! =)

  2. ummmm...I send brody to school in stained clothes. he is almost 3 and I have never even used stain remover.
