Friday, October 23, 2009

New Pictures

It's time to share some new(er) pictures of Cooper and Evan...

Evan is so beautiful, even covered in food!  I'm her mother, but I'm not biased or anything.  ;)

She was enjoying a beautiful fall evening, probably the last one of the year.  Boo.

Cooper was enjoying the same fall evening, but he was totally ticked that I interupted his game of football for a picture!

This pic totally cracks me up!  Cute, right?

H1N1 Vaccine

I thought I was going to have an emotional breakdown today trying to decide if I should get the H1N1 vaccine for Evan and Cooper.  After talking it over with Blake and the pediatrician, they got the first of two doses of the injection. 

I have been hearing about children dying from the H1N1 flu (please don't call it swine flu!), and it is devastating.  I didn't want to be a mother who loses their child to the flu and could have gotten the vaccine.

No Apology

About 8 years ago, I lost a friend.  Nobody died.  We broke up.  I was so hurt and upset, I wasn't sure I would survive.  I expected her to call and apologize.  Eight years later, she hasn't.

It continues to haunt me for a few reasons:
  1. Didn't she care about me?
  2. If she did, why did she do that?
  3. If she didn't care about me, why couldn't I see that?
  4. Why doesn't she just say she's sorry?
  5. Is she sorry?
  6. Why do I waste my time worrying about it when it is painfully obvious that she doesn't?
This past weekend, I saw her for the first time since our friendship ended.  There was no tearful, come to Jesus moment.  We were among mutual friends who seem to have sided with her - they have continued to be friends with her, and I'm the one who got left out.  Which leads to more questions about our mutual friends (see six above).

I tried to be a good person - I hugged her when she got there.  Then we tried to avoid each other the rest of the night.  It was incredibly uncomfortable. 

And here I sit, still baffled by the whole thing.  No apology.  No friend. 

Sunday, October 11, 2009

No Ebay Addiction

Someone literally swooped in at the last minute and put in a better bid on the item I wanted.  I am so not addicted to Ebay.

Fall is Here

Van and Cheryl raised so many pumpkins this year that when they were picked this morning, there was literally a truckload.  Coop and Evan were perched on top of some of the biggest pumpkins you have ever seen!  Many of them were still green, but since the growing season ended last night due to temps well below normal, it was time for them to be picked.

This kind of weather means that Halloween is quickly approaching.  Evan will be a bee this year.  When we asked Cooper what he wanted to be, he said he wanted to be a dinosaur.  Duh, mom and dad.  Nearly every day, he asks to wear his costume.  When we got the camera out to take a picture, he wanted to be sure we got a picture of the tail.  I am a little disturbed that on this very boyish dinosaur costume is a tag which says "Princess Creations".  Things that make you go hmmm.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ebay Addiction

I think I may have an addiction to Ebay.  Not sure yet.  We'll see if I win the item I am bidding on...

Sunday, October 4, 2009


One of Cooper's favorite words?  Milt.  Yep, milt, not milk.  And it seems it's an issue.  He goes to speech for the first time on Tuesday.  He has a big vocabulary (including about a million curse words) but he's not always easy to understand.  I hope to get this corrected quickly and before it becomes a bigger issue.