Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rub A Dub Dub

Here's a couple of long overdue and updated pics of Cooper and Evan. Is there anything cuter than babies in a bathtub?

What's great with these particular photos? I finally figured out how to download Photoshop Element actions and use them! Check out the before and afters! The action I used on these pictures really makes the image sharper and gives them a little pop of color.
Cooper - Before
Cooper - After
Evan - Before
Evan - After
Let me give credit where credit is due - you can download actions for your own version of Photoshop Elements at The action I used here is called Little Perk.

And Cooper's black eye? That's the product of falling from a bar stool and hitting another bar stool on the way down. It happened at the babysitter's house - she said he took it like a champ!

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