Sunday, April 25, 2010

Serious Runner?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm no speed demon. But, I am to a point where I am running about 11 to 12 miles a week. And I'm quite proud of myself. I ran track in high school and college, but I was a sprinter and jumper. I never thought I could run three consecutive miles. But I can and I have been doing it consistently. This weekend, I even ran in the rain. Twice.

My first official 5k race is next weekend. It won't really be a race for me - the only person I plan to race is myself. My goal is to finish it in a better time than what I have been doing on my own. But if it goes ok, I am going to commit to running one 5k race a month thru September. There's one in Des Moines in June, one in Chillicothe in July, one in Corydon in August and another one in Chillicothe in September.

And through all of this, if this last 20 pounds doesn't come off, I'm getting liposuction. Seriously. Totally serious. I don't know who's gonna pay for it, but it's happening.

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