Two years ago, Blake's mom gave me one of Blake's most prized possessions from his childhood. Black Bob. Black Bob is a black cabbage patch kid doll. Not one of the real ones, one that someone who can sew makes at home. Everyone was getting a cabbage patch kid, and Blake wanted one too. Why he wanted a black one we'll never know.
Black Bob went everywhere with Blake when he was little. To the babysitter. To the store. He slept with him everynight. And when Blake outgrew him, his mom tucked him away in a closet.
After Cooper was born, I heard the story of Blake and Black Bob for the first time. I was shocked, horrified and thought it was possibly the funniest thing I have ever heard. I can see my husband as a child, red hair and pale skin, carrying around his black knockoff cabbage patch kid doll. I guess because I thought it was so funny, Blake's mom was compelled to dig Black Bob out of the closet and let me see him. Then it happened. She sent him home with me for Cooper. Oh my god.
So, I put him where he had spent the last 20 some years - the closet. But he was buried in the bottom of a tub of baby toys. I forgot about him until a few days ago when I got that tub of toys out to look through it - I thought there might be something in there for Evan to play with. And Cooper saw Black Bob. At first, Cooper said he was a monster. But now, Cooper is carrying around Black Bob like they are best friends. Oh my god.
Tonight, Cooper promptly undressed Black Bob. He wanted to see if he had a pecker or not (another story for another blog). He wanted to see his butt. He thought his belly button was his pecker.
So, after Cooper goes to bed, I'll be putting Black Bob where he is happiest (and where I am happiest) - in the closet.