Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Blake took me to see a movie on Friday night for Mother's Day, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. He thought it was torture, but it was what I asked for. It was the first time he took me to see a movie since September 2002. My memory isn't that great. I only know when it was because we went on a mini vacay when we were dating, a short trip to Duluth, MN over Labor Day, and we saw a movie while we were there. Can't remember the name of the movie...

So, today was just a lounge around day. The kids and I hung out at Van and Cheryl's while Blake helped his dad and brother work calves. Tonight, Cheryl made baked beans and pasta salad, and Blake fried chicken livers. Yuck. Never tried them, never will. I had regular ol' chicken strips. I fed Evan some baked beans and she loved them, but she is acting a kittle gassy now!

Pics from today - Evan in her first Boomer Sooner sweatshirt, Cooper trying to drink from the frog fountain in the fish pond (unfortunately, he was successful), Blake posing on the fence in his dirty farm clothes. I had Blake take a picture of me and Evan since it is Mother's Day. I tried to get one of Cooper and me too, but he still doesn't like to have his picture taken. You have to surprise him - that's how I got the fish pond picture today.

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