Saturday, August 29, 2009

When We Get Back...

Back in 2007, Blake and I took a trip to Norman, OK to see the OU vs. MU game. (Boomer Sooner! Anyway...) Cooper was about 16 months old at the time, and he stayed with Van and Cheryl. We didn't have a will, so I typed up what should happen with Coop if something happened to us while we were gone, Blake and I signed it, and I gave it to Cheryl before we left. I remember telling Blake at the time that we really needed to make a will. Well, here we are two years later, we're going to Vegas next week, the kids are staying with Van and Cheryl, and I found myself going through the same exercise today - I typed up what should happen with Coop and Evan if something happens to us, we signed it, and I gave it to Cheryl - because we still don't have a will. God willing, and with a little luck, what happens with the kids if something happens to us will never be anything anyone has to worry about. But, I want to be prepared. When we get back from Vegas, Blake and I are going to contact a lawyer and make a will.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

God Bless Single Mothers

Blake was gone two nights last week for work, so I had the kids by myself. It was a challenge, to say the least. Blake and I are to blame. I am sure if we didn't each sleep with a kid, it wouldn't have been that big of a struggle. But since we both rock a kid to sleep and we sleep with them, when one parent is gone, holy hell breaks loose. I was feeling sorry for my struggles when I got an email from a friend who has 6 month old twins. She wrote in her email that she was worn out - her husband had been gone for 5 weeks for work. But she had successfully handled two babies for 5 weeks on her own. Thanks for the reality check. Got me to thinking that I am so glad I have a partner. Someone to tag team with. Someone to, well, just help.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I have created a damn monster. Well, actually, I don't think I am the only one that's responsible. I think Blake and Granddad had something to do with it.

Cooper's new favorite word is "damn". Recently, he told the babysitter to "shut the damn gate". The other day, he asked me, "Where's the damn squirrel?" He also told me to "catch that damn rabbit" for him. Apparently, "damn" is the best adjective in the whole of the English language.

The only consolation is that he is using it properly in sentences.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Garden Variety

We put up 125 quarts of sweet corn and 8 quarts of salsa on Saturday. Last weekend, we put up 7 quarts of salsa. I am really enjoying the garden (actually, my in-laws' garden and my parent's garden), but I am gonna weigh four hundred pounds by the end of summer.