Monday, May 24, 2010

Froggy Went A Courtin'

Froggy has a girlfriend. And she lives way way down the road. That's the only reason I can think for a bullfrog - who normally lives in a pond - to be in the middle of our yard.

This froggy caught Cooper's eye while he rode the lawn mower with Blake. The frog was HUGE!

Here's the whole family trying to coax the frog in to a nice container to be transported from our yard...

I hope Froggy eventually finds his girlfriend. Next time he might not be so lucky to be spotted before the mower gets him.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

According to Cooper, every hidey hole, every tent-like structure, every place where a little person can hide or perch, is called a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Aside from watching the TV show of the same name, I don't know where he comes up with this stuff. Well, now he and Evan have a permanent Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the backyard.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bye Bye Binkie

The plan is to get rid of Evan's binkie. We'll see how this goes. Updates to follow soon. I doubt they will be positive.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Blog!

My first post was on April 30 of last year. My blog is one year old!!!

I Did It!

I ran a 5k last Saturday!!! My time wasn't great, but I enjoyed the weird sense of accomplishment I felt when it was over.

I had a great time with my friends afterwards too. Although I felt like we were the oldest people in the bar, I smiled non-stop. In fact, we giggled like school girls for most of the night, and it was totally great.

When I ran on Monday, I was all ticked off that my time totally sucked on Saturday at the race, and I was able to run it 3 minutes faster than ever before. I really really really wanted to quit like four times, but I kept running.

My new goal is to run a 5k race in 30 minutes. I can do this.