Sunday, November 29, 2009

When Two Is Better Than One

Monkey See Monkey Do

Cooper pushes a chair over to the counter, Evan pushes a chair over to the counter.

Cooper pulls the cushions off the couch, Evan pulls the cushions off the couch.

Cooper acts like he's a dinosaur, Evan acts like she's a dinosaur.

Cooper eats a cookie, Evan eats a cookie.

You get the idea.

Super Cooper

All he needs is a cape.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Why does Cooper get so much pleasure from rushing to the car, getting in, then locking the doors? Tonight at the babysitter's, he beat me to the car and locked me and Evan out. We stood out in the cold, helpless, as he tried to unlock the door. He spilled my glass of tea in the process, and there were little wet and muddy footprints everywhere when we finally got inside. Good times.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

We're Going to Hell

On Saturday, I held a baby shower for my bestie Kristy, who is pregnant with TWINS!

As things were winding down, gifts being loaded, dishes being done, I lost track of Cooper. I panicked. With so many people going in and out of the church, I thought he had slipped out. Then I heard the laughing. Cooper had apparently gone to the bathroom by himself (yay!), but he came out wearing only his sweater and socks (boo!). I went to grab him and said, "Jesus Christ" in total exasperation. Then I remembered where we were. Cooper also called another little boy there "a little shit" while they were playing.

These are not necessarily good things to do if you are in a church - show your privates, take the Lord's name in vain, and direct profanity at another person. Yep, we're going to hell.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This Little Girl is Growing Up

It started a couple of weeks ago.  Blake decided he was going to put Evan on the potty one morning.  She was 15 months old and I thought he was crazy.  But, he sat her on the potty and lo and behold, she pottied like a big girl.  She has gone pee on the potty every morning for about two weeks now and even tells us sometimes when she needs to go number one or number two.   

We've had an issue with her not sitting in her high chair for supper - she's constantly trying to get out.  She has been getting out then climbing up on Cooper's chair and eating what he didn't eat.  Tonight, I got her out of her high chair and stood her up in the chair next to mine.  She was happy as a lark.  It seems she just wanted to sit with us at the table. 

She amazes me.  She's so tiny (in the 25th percentile for her age for height and weight), but she's mighty.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Cooper was a T-Rex.  Evan was a bee.  Cute, right?  Too bad neither one of them wanted to cooperate with me so I could get a good pic of the two of them together. 

Country Roads

I took these pics last weekend on a Sunday drive.  I love country roads in the fall.