Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pictures, pictures, pictures

The great thing about digital cameras is that you don't have to develop film to see the photos you've taken. The terrible thing about digital cameras is that you don't have to develop the photos you've taken.

So, for the duration of my kids' lives, I haven't had any pictures developed. And that means that they don't have any pictures in albums.

I am a terrible mother.

That's why I spent nearly four hours yesterday picking pictures from my digital photo library to print. Pictures of Cooper and Evan from birth to present. 502 pictures. I ordered over $80 worth of 4x6's.

Now, all I have to do is get the pictures in albums when they arrive...

Here's a few of the pictures from the family collection that are favorites. If this blog would let me load more than five photos, I could fill the blog for pages and pages and pages!

1 comment:

  1. you are not a terrible mother...! the only pics in my home are professional ones...I have over 2000 on my computer, never developed. I look at them all the time, does that count?
